Curious about HCG? Doing the protocol yourself? Read about my experiences here.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Announcing Tucson HCG Meetup Group

Monday October 25, 2010
   7 – 8 pm

Dr. DeeAnn Saber, NMD will be speaking about the HCG protocol and how you can lose weight permanently. This is a medically supervised program that she has had personal and professional experience with.
Coaches Meryl Hershey Beck and Robin Trainor Masci will give an overview of the challenges of emotional eating and some suggestions to overcome it.

Wellness First!  3861 North First Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719
One block south of Roger Road on the west side of 1st Avenue
Look for the RED mailbox

Suggested donation $2 (to cover cost of room rental)
Please bring your own chair 


  1. This HCG Support group continues to meet every Monday at 7 PM.
    Please join us if you want to learn more about HCG or want support while you are doing the protocol.

  2. The meetings are on hold right now....but I am offering a 3 hour workshop on "Surviving the Holidays...Without Gaining a Gazillion Pounds!" in Tucson.

  3. Great job Mery for the HCg dieter. They come with you and get important information and tips about the HCG diet and they use it in better way.

    hcg drops
